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Jiangsu further promotes film industry 天天微动态
来源: ourjiangsu.com      时间:2023-05-23 15:10:45


During this year"s May Day holiday, Jiangsu’s film box office and the number of viewers both accounted for more than one tenth in China. In recent years, Jiangsu has been presenting film masterpieces, improving the content production industry chain, and vigorously promoting the high-quality development of film industry.

In Jiangsu, there is such a film that touched thousands of viewers. After seven years of creation and fourteen visits to Kaishan Island, the film “Island Keeper” tells the touching story of Wang Jicai and his wife, the heroes of the island, who have devoted their youth to the cause of the country"s coastal defense. The film not only won the Golden Rooster Award for the best feature film and the National "Five One Project" Award, but also set off a trend of learning from the role models and passing on the spirit throughout the country. Besides this good example of the province"s film production, Jiangsu has made great efforts to tap historical and cultural resources in recent years, focusing on major occasions and subjects, while more and more film masterpieces showing the spirit of Jiangsu and the times have been well received.

“We adhere to the people-centered production orientation. Every year, based on the principle of "good theme + good quality + good impact" we launch a number of high-quality masterpieces and develop a broad impact,” said Meng Qingfeng, Deputy General Manager of Happy Blue Ocean Film & Culture Group Co., Producer of “Island Keeper”.

The continuous emergence of high-quality works cannot be separated from the strong support of the Jiangsu provincial government. Jiangsu is the first in the country to include the film industry in the provincial government"s relief policy, with official support measures and cross-department promotion of the province"s key film and television base construction. The cool visual effects of this year"s blockbusters such as "Born to Fly" and "Wandering Earth 2" are inseparable from the technical support of Wuxi National Digital Film Industry Park. Nowadays, with "technology filming + digital production" as the core, the park in Wuxi has achieved the coverage of the whole industry chain from pre-production to post-production, formed the capacity of shooting 80-100 films and producing 200-300 films annually, and become the new "dream factory" of Chinese movies.

“Wuxi film park vigorously promotes the innovative application of digital technology and achieved cutting-edge film special effects technology, such as 3D scanning modeling of digital people and LED virtual shooting. Creating a "one-stop" film production platform, we help more excellent films reach global market contributing to the film industry of the province and China,” said Lyu Jianping, Chairman of Jiangsu Hualaiwu Culture Group.

While the film industry is booming, Jiangsu also initiated policies to benefit film viewers, actively carrying out the public welfare screening activities of excellent films at the grassroots level throughout the province, completing 1,500 screenings with more than 220,000 viewers. Jiangsu also optimizes the supply of rural screening content, with more than 170,000 films ordered throughout the year, more than 50% of which are new films. The province has built 7,640 indoor screening points, with a coverage rate of 55% in administrative villages. At the same time, many places in Jiangsu have incorporated film consumption into their local cultural and consumption promotion plans and launched a series of measures to benefit the people and enterprises, expanding film consumption and promoting the high-quality development of the film market.


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